
Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

Led by a Michigan-born and DC-based global business advocate with experience in US and UK national political campaigns, US-China commercial relations, NATO, and media engagement, Caracal is a geopolitical business communications firm specializing in global business issues at the intersection of globalization, disruption, and politics.

Caracal lives and breathes at the intersection of globalization, disruption, and politics, home of the world's most savvy participants.

Clients are senior executives responsible for geopolitics, corporate affairs, public affairs, stakeholder engagement, and communications who rely on Caracal for help navigating today's interconnected business environment with intelligence, strategy, engagement, and education.

The Brigadoon - Caracal Connection:

Brigadoon and Caracal are two companies that share a global perspective and a love of global street smarts.

Marc A. Ross found both businesses, each influenced by his global curiosity, a high-low communications ethos, and an eye for emerging global business and political issues shaping commerce and culture.

Brigadoon focuses on curating compelling ideas, whereas Caracal focuses on putting compelling ideas into action.