Welcome to the '70s | Gerald Ashley

On this episode of Brigadoon Radio, Gerald Ashley and Marc Ross discuss the year-end and the year ahead with a focus on inflation, union strikes in the UK, the Federal Reserve, a resurgence of infrastructure and manufacturing, the end of FTX, the trench warfare of Ukraine, developments in Turkey, the Germany coup plot, the fusion breakthrough, Japan a country to watch, no 2023 Taiwan invasion, supply chains and friend-shoring, and what they are reading and watching.

Reading and watching recommendations from this Brigadoon Radio episode:

As strikes expand, Britain faces a new ‘winter of discontent’: In the 1970s, Margaret Thatcher accused the Labour government of losing control. Now, the same charge is being leveled by Labour against the Conservatives. NYT

Why trench warfare still persists in 2022: Going underground in the Ukraine conflict is still as vital tactically as in the First World War. The Times

‘Hell. Just hell’: Ukraine and Russia’s war of attrition over Bakhmut: Soldiers say fighting in and around eastern Donetsk city is reminiscent of first world war-style trench conflict. FT

War in Ukraine: Macron's lone ranger diplomacy Le Monde

Turkey bars potential challenger to President Erdogan from politics: NYT reports the mayor of Istanbul, a possible rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the 2023 elections, was convicted of insulting public officials.

Germany coup plot: Far-right cell targeted many senior officials including Scholz: According to investigators, the commando group dismantled last week was not only planning to seize the Bundestag. Le Monde

Japan to buy Tomahawk missiles in defense buildup amid fears of war WP

+ The missile buy would boost Japan’s long-range strike capability and mark a stunning break with a long tradition of eschewing offensive weapons.

+ Japan will move forward on the Tomahawk decision as a part of the rollout of its new national security and defense strategies this month, along with a major hike in Japan’s defense budget.

Japan to upgrade cyber defense, allowing preemptive measures: A revised National Security Strategy to open doors for a proactive response. Nikkei

Japan ruling parties call China 'challenge' in defense strategy: Nikkei reports upgraded documents to seek 'counterstrike capability' in a shift in postwar approach.

The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World - Tim Marshall

The global microchip race: Europe’s bid to catch up: The region still has hidden strengths in the equipment used in chipmaking but faces a shortage of skilled labor. FT

The Ascent of Man - Jacob Bronowski

Tokyo Vice is an American crime drama television series created by JT Rogers and based on the 2009 book of the same title by Jake Adelstein.

The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age - Bina Venkataraman

The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations, and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life - Jonathan FP Rose

GOTV | Gerald Ashley

On this episode of Brigadoon Radio, Gerald Ashley and Marc Ross discuss US Election 2022 and what's next in American politics, dealing with global inflation challenges and slowing economies, why NFTs and the Skyscraper Index matter, North Korea says missile tests were practice to attack South Korea and the United States, Ukraine as a testbed for weapons and future conflict, expectations of the G20, and what they are reading and watching.

Reading and watching recommendations from this Brigadoon Radio episode:

Trailer: All Quiet on the Western Front Netflix

Trailer: Das Boot YT

Trailer: Count Me In YT

The Calendar: The 5000 Year Struggle to Align the Clock and the Heavens and What Happened to the Missing Ten Days - David Ewing Duncan Amazon

Asia's Reckoning: China, Japan, and the Fate of US Power in the Pacific Century - Richard McGregor Amazon

Detroit: An American Autopsy - Charlie LeDuff Amazon

Trailer: Write Around the World With Richard E. Grant BBC

Political Pantomime | Gerald Ashley

On this episode of Brigadoon Radio, Gerald Ashley and Marc Ross discuss PM Liz Truss, the politics of London, what happens next in the House of Commons, masters of the universe and bond vigilantes, Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party, Japan and Australia's new security deal, the first-ever Taiwan Expo USA held in Washington DC, and what they are reading and watching.

Show notes for this episode of Brigadoon Radio:

Liz Truss quits as UK prime minister: Politico reports Britain to get new leader next week after crisis-hit Truss resigns after just 44 days.

UK's direction in doubt after Truss resigns: WP reports her move, after six weeks in office, sets up vote for a new leader of bitterly divided Conservative Party.

Bloomberg: UK premier may be decided Monday as Tories set contest rules

Succession battle begins after Liz Truss quits as UK prime minister: Conservative party sets high threshold for race to become new premier as Sunak emerges as the early frontrunner. FT

Boris Johnson considering running again to be PM, say allies: Guardian reports the threshold to reach ballot is support of 100 Tory MPs, however, and there are doubts he has sufficient backing.

Former UK Treasury Chief Rishi Sunak leads prime minister race: WSJ reports other competitors include cabinet minister Penny Mordaunt, and possibly former leader Boris Johnson.

Whoever follows Liz Truss, fiscal conservatism will rule Britain: While the market reaction to Ms. Truss’s unsound fiscal plans was over-egged, it could tie the hands of her successors for years. WSJ

US is gripped by failure of British populism: The tragedy of Liz of the 44 Days has been watched with fascination and alarm by politicians, strategists, and financiers. Gerard Baker

Xi Jinping offers an ominous warning of what’s to come David Ignatius

The pomp, pageantry, and paranoia of China’s Communist Party Congress WP

Xi Jinping: China’s everlasting emperor awaits his third term: The president has sidelined rivals and abandoned collective leadership to reign alone and unchallenged. Tom Mitchell

Analysis: Xi's coronation ceremony opens on date of China's first atom bomb: Reaffirming Taiwan unification, leader makes his third term play amid economic downturn. Nikkei

Containing China is Biden’s explicit goal: US efforts to isolate Beijing’s high-tech sector may accelerate Xi Jinping’s bid to take control of Taiwan. Edward Luce

The world according to Xi: security, socialism, and soldiers: Congress speech 'less about dreams and more about potential dangers ahead.' Nikkei

‘Moving backward’: In Xi’s China, some see an era of total control: A decade ago, many prominent Chinese hoped that Xi Jinping would usher in openness and reform. Today, some of them believe he has created a totalitarian state. NYT

How Xi Jinping became “Chairman of Everything”: China’s leader came to power determined to ensure prosperity, but he may yet turn out to be his country’s greatest threat. New Statesman

Analysis: China's power struggles were ferocious in 1972 and remain so today: Normalization with Japan was risky for all the players involved. Nikkei

The Current War Trailer

The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence - Benoit Mandelbrot + Richard L. Hudson Amazon

On the Future: Prospects for Humanity - Lord Martin Rees Amazon

Asia's Reckoning: China, Japan, and the Fate of US Power in the Pacific Century - Richard McGregor Amazon

The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers - Richard McGregor Amazon

All Quiet on the Western Front - Trailer

Bad Sisters - Trailer

Entertainment + technology crossroads | Lawrence Peryer

Recorded in October 2022, a Brigadoon Monthly Call with Lawrence Peryer.

Working at the crossroads of technology, creative media, commerce, and community, Lawrence Peryer's mission is to develop businesses, products, and solutions that bring fans closer to the artists and experiences they love.

Over the course of his career, Lawrence has worked with, and on behalf of, a variety of entertainment artists and brands to help them grow and shape their relationships with their fans.

This work has included producing and executive producing dozens of websites, online events, marketing campaigns, broadcast programs, and music documentaries as well as Grammy-nominated and Clio-winning products. Even a pair of experiential pop-up retail locations for a global music icon.

As a commentator, Lawrence has been featured in Rolling Stone, Billboard Magazine, Hollywood Reporter, Wall Street Journal, and many others. His speaking and panelist engagements have included repeat appearances at the Billboard Touring Conference, and SXSW, among others.

Lawrence is a published writer on both business and cultural topics and he is involved as a charity board member and volunteer within his community.


"The biggest David Bowie fan ever might not have been born yet."

Creativity = Inspired novelty

Innovation = Applied creativity

"Innovation has intention behind it."

Entertainment = An activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience

Franz Liszt Britannica

Concept album: A concept album is an album whose tracks hold a larger purpose or meaning collectively than they do individually. This is typically achieved through a single central narrative or theme, which can be instrumental, compositional, or lyrical.

The Voice of Frank Sinatra Wiki

In the Wee Small Hours Wiki

“An artist using technology to realize a vision.”

David Bowie speaks to Jeremy Paxman on BBC Newsnight (1999) YouTube

“A comfort with ambiguity.”

BowieNet: How David Bowie's ISP foresaw the future of the internet: Always a step ahead of the curve, he spotted the potential of the internet as a venue in which to make, share and expand upon art. Guardian

David Bowie records the first cyber song: In 1999, David Bowie launched a unique contest: a chance for a fan to collaborate on a song with him. Fans were instructed to submit lyrics to a song that was already in demo form, had a chorus, and an instrumental that served as a guide for the vocals. Out of the submissions, 20-year-old Alex Grant from Ohio won the contest because Bowie said Grant’s lyrics were, “impertinent…it scanned well, and it was easy to sing.” Ultimate Classic Rock

Fandom: A subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of empathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest.

"Social media was a hoodwink on the artists."


"Don't go away angry. Just go away."

Spotlight On (Podcast): Everyone wants to go backstage or get a look behind-the-scenes. Join Lawrence Peryer, entertainment business veteran and Lyte’s Chief Strategy Officer, as he takes you there, through talks with his friends and colleagues from the worlds of music, sports, business, entertainment and the arts. Discover who they are, how they got there and what goes into making a life in media and entertainment. For the fan, student or jaded expert, Spotlight On… delivers you insights and stories you won’t get anywhere else. Website

Big Wreck Web

Hip Hop 50 is a 3-year celebration with original series, films & experiences, leading up to the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop in 2023. Showtime

Hip Hop’s 50th birthday and the business behind it Trapital

Communicating innovation | Suzanne Zurn

Recorded in September 2022, a Brigadoon Monthly Call with Suzanne Zurn.

Suzanne builds and strengthens teams to tell stories.

A highly qualified professional in building, organizing, and directing teams gained from leading integrated marketing communications at seven companies experiencing growth or a business transformation.

Talented in consultative advising across the organization to develop strategic communications recommendations and action plans that achieve corporate goals, realize cost savings, drive increased sales and client retention and improve team performance and job satisfaction.

Currently, Suzanne is leading communications and marketing at the National Security Innovation Network.

The National Security Innovation Network is an unrivaled problem-solving network that adapts to the emerging needs of those who serve in the defense of America's national security.

The National Security Innovation Network is dedicated to the work of bringing together defense, academic, and entrepreneurial innovators to solve national security problems in new ways.


National Security Innovation Network Web

NSIN Releases Year in Review - FY21 Web

Innovation + Storytelling



New idea

Adds value



Sequence of events

True or fictional

The Hero's Journey TV Tropes

"Understanding your customer's philosophical problem"

Nespresso: Redefining the experience of coffee lovers!! The Strategy Story

Tesla Marketing Strategy: A brief overview BRM

My StoryBrand Worksheets Web

Building a StoryBrand - Donald Miller Amazon

Weekend Language - Andy Craig Amazon

Smart Brevity - Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen + Roy Schwartz Amazon