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Brigadoon Monthly | Member Call with Kirk Cheyfitz

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Storytelling in the age of hyper-politics


Kirk Cheyfitz | Founder @ Political Narrative

Kirk works with progressive candidates and causes, setting a narrative strategy and telling stories that win. Kirk applies creativity, guided by a unique approach to multidisciplinary research that leverages recent brain science advances to find deep narrative insights.

Recent work includes co-authoring "The Storytellers' Guide to Changing Our World" for Culture Surge, a national women-of-color-led coalition of storytellers, artists, organizers, and researchers working for democracy.

He was the narrative lead for Story at Scale, a national narrative research project to advance gender justice, and for the Midwest Culture Lab, a national project of the Alliance for Youth Organizing to build civic participation and voting by young people, especially youth of color, particularly in the Midwest.

Kirk was also a senior advisor to Tom Steyer's 2020 presidential campaign on narrative strategy and storytelling. He set the campaign's narrative direction, focusing on ending the corporate stranglehold on our political system and elevating climate disaster as critical issues in the 2020 elections.

Kirk was an award-winning journalist and publishing executive before becoming CEO of Story Worldwide, the full-service, global ad agency he co-founded in 2005. He sold the agency in 2015, moving to full-time political advocacy work. He is also the author of Thinking Inside the Box: The 12 Timeless Rules for Managing a Successful Business.

You can find more at and @KirkCheyfitz.


Brigadoon Member | Monthly Calls are 45-minute moderated discussions with fellow Brigadoon Members led by a subject matter expert in an emerging issue shaping commerce and culture.

The guest speaker makes opening remarks for ten minutes and takes questions for the balance of the call.

All calls happen using Google Meet and are limited to Brigadoon Members with a few handpicked guests.

Just like all Brigadoon gatherings, Brigadoon House Rules govern the session. The call is powerpoint free, the recording is private, and participants are free to use data from the discussion but are not allowed to reveal who made any comments or participated.